Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday by Nate R.

So today was probably the most exciting, interesting, fun filled day yet. We started off by meeting our new members whose names are Lara, Sima, and Sally. We left for a church near Nazareth and the service started at 10:30. It was an awkward service to say the least. I at least could not follow where in the service we were, but it was a great experience none the less. We then left for rosh haniqra, which is located right next to the Mediterranean Sea. When we got there we took a cable car down to go see some grottos which was absolutley breath taking they were so beautiful, it took my breath away. After that I took
some pictures with the army people in training (I guess you could call them that since I dont know what they are actually called haha). We then watched a short movie on something dealing with baby sea turtles but I dont know if that was what the entire movie was on since we came in late. We then went to Acre and visited the Crusader Citadel Ruins.
The ruins are absolutely spectactular I felt like I learned a plethora of information from just being in their presence. After we went through the ruins we had to go through the "ghetto" if you will of Acre. There were so many homeless cats running around the streets i wanted to take them all with me and get them all fixed up. It was an eye opening experience tho because it made me feel grateful for the stuff I had no matter how little I might think I might have at times. We then headed on our way back where we ate dinner and now im looking forward to watching the World Cup Final between Spain and the Netherlands. Go Netherlands!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Nate,
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time, and learning a great deal too. I look forward to seeing you when you get back. I understand you're going to Camp Huston next. Love, Mary Gates