Monday, July 19, 2010

Mt Tabor - by Riley G.

Unfortunately, today was uneventful although we saw some very historical sites. In the morning, we left Pilgarhaus for Mount Tabor which is almost a perfect dome surrounded by flat valley areas. The parks department told us that we were not allowed to climb up the mountain (or what they call one) because the leaves that fall on the hiking path this
time of year are very slippery and hikers should not climb up or down, so...we took taxi's.
The mountain is VERY steep and the road is extremely curvy and the taxi's drive very fast around those turns. When we got to the top, we held a Eucharist. Later we discover the church at the top of the mountain which is where is was claimed the transfiguration took place.

Most of the rest of the was a day of moving around and heading back to Jerusalem. Our bus was having major problems however and the path of our road, was very desert like and the air conditioning was broken and the bus was slowly shutting itself down. We made it safely back to Jerusalem although not without a stop at Bet Shian. These are just another of an infinate set of Roman/Egyptian ruins.
Our scavenger hunt didn't sound too appealing in the 100+ degree heat.
So I stayed and viewed the ruins from a distance while others took a more hands on approach (climbing to the top of the Tel, a mixture of several civilizations). I wich I took the more hands on approach although one of the girls from the Canadian group became dehydrated and came down with heat sickness.

After a long day of traveling and a short day of sightseeing, we return to Saint George's College. Some of our final shopping bits were taken care of at the small Bazzar across the street as souvineers and gifts for family and friends back home. As tomorrow will be the last day of the course, featuring the Stations of the Cross and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Church of the Resurection), our groups discussed the proceedure at the Tel Aviv Airport. These are much more strict at this airport in particular although I will blog about that when I experience it. Until tomorrow!

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