Sunday, July 20, 2008

St. George's Cathedral

Every Sunday we wake up, get ready and go to church. Every Sunday, it still feels the same as the Sunday before, but not today. Today we went to church at St. George's Cathedral in Israel. Israel is such a holy place so for some reason for me, church meant so much more. The service started between 9:30 and 10 am. It seemed shorter than all the other services i've been to, but i liked it. It was moving how the service was spoken in Arabic, one of the 3 common languages here, but sometimes translated to English. The group received pamphlets in English and i'm guessing everyone else's was in Arabic. It was also nice to see how different people, speaking different languages can come together when we're all praising God. We visited St. George's last Tuesday where i mistakenly left my ring on the counter after i had used the facilities. I was happy to return back close to a week later to find it still sitting on the counter. This was a blessing in it's own here, the honesty and assurance we Christians present in church and every day in our lives.

***Kendra Okereke***

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