Monday, June 9, 2008

Youth Pilgrimage Retreat - Whidbey Island

This past weekend, the pilgrims were treated to a warm welcome by the wonderful people of St. Augustine's In-the-Woods Episcopal Church in Freeland on Whidbey Island.  This was the first time that all 8 youth and 3 chaperones were gathered together in the same place.  It was a wonderful time of getting to know each other, enjoy each other, and begin to trust each other.

As part of our getting to know each other - pilgrims Flora Muglia and Shelby  Bautista led us in some ice breaker games.  Thanks Ladies!   Members of the group also reported on some research they had done, investigating aspects of life in Israel and Palestine such as art, music, sports,  and food.  We also each talked about the things we fear the most about this journey, and what we are most looking forward to during this trip.

In the evening - we were welcomed by the Idso family to a wonderful cook-out at the home near Freeland.  We wandered along the beach, and enjoyed the amazing scenery of Whidbey.  The youth stayed in homes of members of St. Augustine's that evening.

In the morning - we all gathered at the church for Holy Eucharist.  We were also present for the Adult Forum.   St. Augustine's welcomed two Israeli graduate students who were there to tell there stories.  (Unfortunately, the pilgrims missed out on the similar talk by two Palestinian students two weeks prior.)

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