Today we went to the Dome of the Rock, The Western Wall, The South Wall Escavations,and Hezekih's Tunnel. When we went to the Dome of the Rock, alot of the ladies that were in our group were chastized by their clothing. I already was wearing a shall but I was forced to cover my chest up which was the first time I've had to do that this whole trip. This experience was rushed yet amazing. The chance to see where one of the most populous religion's holy site was humbling. We then went to the Western Wall and I got to put a prayer in the wall. It was super crowded because the woman's side is so small. Women were rocking back and forth and praying which was a different experience as well. Theres a row of chairs next to the barrier between the men and womens side and I got to watch a bar mitzah. The transition from a boy to a man according to the Jewish religion was very interesting to watch. Overall the most interesting experience of the day was when the bishop of the Jeruselum Diocese came to the college. When he was talking about the Christians leaving the country because they don't feel safe really struck my emotions. It was the same feeling of inspiration that I experienced while attending church in Nazerath. The dedication that these people have to their religion is totally different than how people think of Christianity at home. When people in the U.S. go to church, they are tired and just want to go back home to do whatever. Here there is a complete dedication that these people have to the religion. They aren't pushy about their religion at all, they just want the same rights as everyone else. This type of worship I believe is the best way worship as a Christian. From this I hope to help people back in the U.S to understand that its ok to show your beliefs but to not push it to the people who do not want to accept it.
Great blog and information Emily. Look forward to more about your trip. We are thinking of you daily and feel exceptionally happy that you are on this journey.
Mike A
Great blog Emily. Thanks for an intereting update, particularly that you include your feelings about what you are experiencing.
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